
We bring you insight on dealing with psychological disorders to try to provide some helpful information you can use to improve your life.

Overcoming Communication Barriers With Couples Counseling

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. However, communication barriers often disrupt harmony and understanding between partners, leading to frustration and conflict.Overcoming these obstacles requires a proactive approach, and couples counseling can be an effective tool in this journey. Using couples counseling services can be a powerful tool to overcome these obstacles and forge a stronger bond with your partner. Understanding Communication Barriers In Relationships Communication barriers can arise due to numerous factors, including differences in upbringing, personal experiences, and [...]

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Alleviate Anxiety

While living in Glendale, CA, you may find that managing anxiety can be a heavy burden. Understanding how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help alleviate anxiety is a step toward finding the relief you deserve. Anxiety can affect every aspect of life, from social situations to academic and professional performance. Here at Dr. Taji Huang, Ph.D., we specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an effective and research-backed treatment that empowers you to regain control over your life. What is Cognitive Behavioral [...]

The Impact of Support Animals For PTSD Therapy

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. This disorder can significantly impact a person’s life, affecting their emotional and physical well-being.Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, severe anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts about the traumatic event, and more. Effective treatment is essential to assist in managing these symptoms and improving the quality of life for individuals affected by PTSD. The Role Of Emotional Support Animals For PTSD Emotional support is a crucial aspect of [...]

Applying DBT Skills: Practical Tips & Techniques

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive mental health approach designed to help individuals manage emotions, reduce stress, and improve relationships through a blend of behavioral therapy techniques and mindfulness skills. Rooted in the concept of balancing acceptance and change, DBT equips individuals with practical tools to navigate life's challenges. Applying DBT skills outside of therapy sessions can significantly benefit daily life, offering self-help tips and practical techniques for everyday application. The Essence Of DBT & Its Core Components The dialectical [...]

5 Ways To Focus On Self-Care During Divorce

Embarking on the journey through a divorce can be one of life's most challenging experiences. It's a time filled with significant changes, emotional upheavals, and, often, a profound sense of loss. However, amidst these turbulent times, it's crucial to remember the importance of self-care. Prioritizing your well-being can pave the path to healing and resilience. Dr. Taji Huang, Ph.D., emphasizes the need for self-care during these trying times. Self-care is more than just a buzzword; it's a vital strategy for [...]

7 Benefits Of Online Counseling

Technology has pervasively permeated all aspects of life, and the field of mental health is far from an exception. This seamless blend of technology and counseling has given birth to online therapy, which brings with it numerous benefits.Primarily, online counseling provides individuals with mental health issues an opportunity to seek help from the comfort of their familiar surroundings. This paints a promising picture of accessible global mental health care. 1. Convenience & Flexibility An overarching attribute of conventional therapy is the [...]

Does Social Media Promote Self Harm?

The increasing impact of social media on our daily lives, particularly among the adolescent population, necessitates a deeper understanding of its potential effect on mental health. Of particular interest is the emerging topic of whether social media might promote self-harm among users, specifically those in their formative years. The Correlation Between Social Media & Self-Harm Several research studies have discovered a significant link between the increased use of social media and a rise in self-harming behaviors, particularly among younger people. In [...]

Starting A New Relationship After Domestic Violence

Starting a new relationship after experiencing domestic violence can be a complex journey, particularly for individuals who are also dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As a survivor, you may find challenges and anxieties you've never faced before. However, this journey, while difficult, can be navigated with the right support and guidance. Understanding PTSD & Domestic Violence Recovery PTSD, commonly experienced by survivors of domestic violence, involves a range of symptoms that can complicate the process of forming a new, [...]

Help! I’m Married To A Narcissist

Coping with a narcissist can be challenging, emotionally draining, and downright exhausting—especially if the person in question is your own spouse or long-term partner. Understanding narcissism, recognizing its signs, and knowing how to navigate this complex dynamic can help you manage your own well-being and figure out the next steps to take. Seeking Admiration & Lacking Empathy Narcissism falls on a spectrum, ranging from mild to severe, and a healthy amount of some of its most well-known traits is important for [...]

How Does Disordered Attachment Affect Mental Health?

Severe childhood trauma, such as abuse and neglect, can cause a disorganized or "fearful-avoidant" style of attachment. This style combines elements of the avoidant style with those displayed in the anxious-preoccupied style creating a sort of push-pull dynamic with your partner. That being said, attachment styles are dynamic and subject to change throughout your life, so you can absolutely develop a healthier one through therapy, introspection, communication skills, and self-care. Understand The Roots Of Disorganized Attachment Attachment theory states that our [...]

Why We Push People Away: Avoidant Attachment in Adults

Attachment styles are patterns of relating to people that we develop as children and that shape our adult relationships. Avoidant attachment is an insecure type that can make it harder to form and maintain close relationships. If you have this particular style, you might find it hard to find a date, have "commitment issues," or often find that your partner is often mad at you, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to change [...]

Ambivalent Attachment

Ambivalent attachment, also known as anxious preoccupied or anxious ambivalent attachment, is one of the four main patterns of relating to people identified in attachment theory. This theory suggests that how we relate to our primary caregivers in childhood influences how we form and maintain relationships throughout our lives. Understand The Roots Of Ambivalent Attachment Individuals with ambivalent styles typically had caregivers who were inconsistently available or responsive during their childhood. As a result, they craved the attention they were not [...]

Secure Attachments In Adult Relationships

Secure attachment is a crucial component in healthy adult relationships characterized by trust, empathy, and mutual respect. In contrast, insecure attachment styles can lead to many negative consequences in relationships. Despite being rooted in early childhood experiences and trauma from past relationships, these styles are responsive to change with the right tools and effort. An experienced couples counselor like Dr. Taji Huang can help with that. Trust & Self-Esteem Helps Relationships People usually develop a secure attachment style as a result [...]

What Are Attachment Styles?

If you and your partner struggle to understand each other's feelings and keep rehashing the same arguments over and over, mismatching attachment styles might be to blame. This becomes especially apparent in romantic partnerships, in which emotional intimacy is key. The 4 Main Attachment Styles Attachment theory states that how your primary caregivers interacted with you as a child directly affects your way of relating to others as an adult.Anxious-Preoccupied Dismissive-Avoidant Fearful-Avoidant Or “Disorganized” SecureAnxious-Preoccupied Attachment People with the anxious attachment type tend to fear abandonment [...]

7 New Year’s Resolutions For Couples

New Year's is a great time to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. As couples, it can be especially beneficial to take some time to think about your relationship and make resolutions that will help you grow and strengthen your bond. Whether you're looking for ways to improve communication, rekindle the "spark" you once had, or tackle more challenging issues, here are a few New Year's resolutions for couples to consider. 7 Relationship Goals For The [...]

9 Social Phobias & What You Can Do About Them

Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is a fear of being judged and evaluated negatively when interacting with other people. It can manifest as specific fears, such as fear of public speaking or eating in front of others, or as an overall feeling of discomfort. What Does Social Anxiety Look Like? Social anxiety exists on a spectrum—ranging from feeling nervous introducing yourself to strangers, to struggling to complete tasks while being observed, to not being able to leave the [...]

7 Signs It’s Time to See a Therapist

Many people think of therapy as a last resort to turn to in only the direst of mental health crises. However, this simply isn't the case, as therapy can benefit anybody at any time. There are so many good reasons to seek out professional support—and it’s time for our society to abandon the stigma surrounding mental health topics. 7 Signs It’s Time to See a TherapistYou feel like you’re constantly struggling and don’t know how to cope. Negative thoughts [...]

What Is Depersonalization-Derealization?

If you feel deeply disconnected from your mind, body, feelings, memories, or the world around you, you may be experiencing common symptoms of a condition called depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR). The symptoms of DPDR are very real and debilitating, making it difficult for people with the condition to cope with everyday life. However, it is treatable, and an experienced trauma and anxiety therapist such as Dr. Taji Huang, PhD in Glendale, CA can help you identify ways to feel safe, [...]

How To Help Someone Having A Panic Attack

Panic attacks can happen to anyone, but they're an especially common occurrence for those suffering from anxiety or panic disorder. It can be difficult to watch someone you care about have a panic attack, especially if you don't know what they're experiencing, so it's important to learn how to help them. If your loved one lives near Glendale, CA, Dr. Taji Huang can help. What Causes Panic Attacks? Many mental health conditions can cause panic attacks, although they can happen to anyone even if [...]

7 Tips For Managing Work Anxiety

Coping with work-related anxiety and stress can be extremely challenging, from learning how to tell people "no" to prioritizing what feels like an overwhelming workload. But you don't have to suffer alone. In Glendale, CA, Dr. Taji Huang, a licensed psychologist and mental health counselor with extensive experience treating anxiety, can help you learn how to manage workplace stress. 7 Ways To Manage Job AnxietyLearn your triggers Practice grounding techniques Maintain healthy habits & work-life balance Prioritize your tasks [...]

A Domestic Violence Survivors Guide To Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day can be an incredibly challenging time if you’ve been hurt by someone you loved. Don't let this couple's holiday catch you off guard. We've put together 5 helpful tips to help you on your healing journey. How To Get Through Valentine's Day As A Domestic Violence SurvivorIdentify Your Triggers Surround Yourself With Kind & Loving People Set Boundaries Prioritize Your Own Needs Talk To A Therapist1. Flowers, Chocolates - Identify Your Triggers It’s possible that certain situations, objects, [...]

Make Marriage Counseling Your New Year’s Resolution

There's never a "wrong" time to make a resolution to improve your marriage, but many people feel inspired to do so at the beginning of the year. If you want to make improving your marriage your New Year's resolution, Dr. Taji Huang offers couples counseling in Glendale, CA. New Year's Resolutions For CouplesLearn Your Partner's Love Language Intentionally Be More Thoughtful Make Time For Intimacy Learn New Things About Each Other Practice Mindfulness & Appreciation Schedule Time To Discuss [...]