7 Signs It’s Time to See a Therapist

Time To See Therapist

Many people think of therapy as a last resort to turn to in only the direst of mental health crises. However, this simply isn’t the case, as therapy can benefit anybody at any time. There are so many good reasons to seek out professional support—and it’s time for our society to abandon the stigma surrounding mental health topics.

7 Signs It’s Time to See a Therapist

  1. You feel like you’re constantly struggling and don’t know how to cope.
  2. Negative thoughts are taking over your life, and you can’t seem to shake them.
  3. You feel isolated, disconnected, or lonely even when you’re around other people.
  4. You constantly feel “on edge,” or your mood seems to shift rapidly without warning.
  5. You rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as drugs or alcohol, to cope with difficult emotions.
  6. You’re almost always tired, even after a full night’s rest.
  7. You feel numb, empty, or like you’re just “going through the motions” in life.

Your Life Feels Like A Constant Struggle

If you’re struggling with anxiety, stress, and burnout, you might feel like you barely have the time and energy to get through each day, let alone enjoy your life. However, it’s important to give yourself enough time to rest, rejuvenate, and live a more balanced life—even if the mainstream “hustle culture” suggests otherwise. Taking even a few minutes each day to relax and recharge can make a big difference in how you feel, and, if that doesn’t work, a therapist can help you learn new techniques to set boundaries and prevent burnout.

Negative Thoughts Are Taking Over

It’s natural for everyone to have some negative thoughts from time to time, but if they become persistent and start affecting your daily life, it might be a sign that you’re depressed. A therapist trained in CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can work with you to identify unconscious patterns in your thinking so that you challenge these negative thoughts and rewrite them into a self-affirming narrative. It may take a while before the positive thoughts become automatic, but CBT can definitely help you break free from negative thinking patterns and improve your mood in the long run.

You Feel Lonely & Isolated

It’s common for people struggling with depression or social anxiety to feel isolated or disconnected, even if they’re constantly around other people. Therapy provides a safe, non-judgmental space for you to explore the reasons behind these feelings and address any underlying issues that may be contributing to them. It’s also a great place to learn new communication strategies for building healthier and happier relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners.

You Feel “On Edge” & Have Frequent Mood Swings

Chronic stress, mood disorders, and a history of trauma can all cause mood instability or irritability that seems to show up out of the blue. Therapy can help you identify the triggers for these feelings so that you can manage them. This may include finding healthy emotional outlets, practicing relaxation techniques, adjusting your thinking patterns, setting better boundaries, and healing your trauma.

You Rely On Unhealthy Coping Methods

It’s common for people to turn to alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex, gambling, video gaming, or workaholism to drown out negative emotions, but these addictive behaviors will likely cause further harm in the long run. A therapist can help you explore the reasons behind your reliance on unhealthy coping mechanisms and find healthier ways to manage difficult emotions.

You Feel Numb & Empty

The human mind has a unique ability to shut off its own emotions in order to cope with unbearable stress, anxiety, trauma, or grief. While dissociation helps protect you from pain long enough to survive in the short term, it can also shut out feelings of joy, love, and existential fulfillment, and this can make you feel like life is meaningless. A good therapist can help you slowly uncover, process, and release your trauma or grief in a healthy and cathartic way that will ultimately lead to healing, peace, and a sense of purpose.

You’re Struggling With A Life Transition

Transitional periods can be difficult to navigate since they often cause uncertainty and grief, which are natural responses to change and loss. Please note that this isn’t exclusive to the death of a loved one—it can be triggered by any major life event. A therapist can provide a safe space for you to process and understand your feelings, as well as offer coping skills and support during this challenging time.

Difficult Transitions A Therapist Can Help With

  • Losing A Pet
  • Having A Miscarriage
  • Coping With A Breakup
  • Starting A New Job
  • Getting Divorced
  • Moving To A New Home
  • Becoming A Parent
  • Enrolling Your Child In Preschool Or Kindergarten
  • Having “Empty Nest Syndrome” When Your Child Leaves For College

Professional Counseling In Glendale

If any of these seven signs stood out as relevant to you, consider reaching out to a Glendale therapist for support. Dr. Taji Huang is an experienced psychologist who can help with anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, life transitions, and grief counseling. Contact her office today to schedule your first appointment.

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