Psychology & Therapy

For compassionate, effective psychology and therapy services in Glendale, CA, opt for Dr. Taji Huang Ph.D.’s practice. As a seasoned psychologist in Glendale, Dr. Taji offers evidence-based counseling, specializing in cognitive behavior therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. Find support for mental disorders and life’s daily stresses, including self-harming, OCD, and PTSD. Dr. Taji is dedicated to assisting you in addressing challenging issues and achieving relief.

Counseling & Therapy

Dr. Taji Huang, PhD, offers counseling and therapy for adults in Glendale, California. As a highly trained psychologist, she can help you sort through traumatic events, and help you discover what may be behind unsolved mysteries in your mind. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves and the lives ahead of us - sometimes our minds leave us feeling hopeless and out of control. Pain can prevent you from moving forward and living your life to the fullest. Let [...]

Online Therapy & Counseling

Online therapy offers a convenient private method for patients to seek mental health counseling for a variety of concerns. Licensed psychologist Dr. Taji Huang provides online counseling and therapy services for California residents. Dr. Taji connects with clients during video sessions in the privacy and comfort of their homes. Telepsychology has the following benefits for patients:No Long Travel time Broader Access Comfortable Environment Full PrivacyHow Effective Is Teletherapy? Online or teletherapy supports patients just as much, if not more, [...]

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Dr. Taji Huang PhD is a licensed psychologist in Glendale, California specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for adults and adolescents. CBT is one of the many techniques that she uses to help patients who are dealing with depression and a variety of other mental health concerns. Dr. Taji has years of experience treating a variety of mental health conditions in both individual and group therapy sessions. What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? CBT is a widely recognized and highly effective form [...]

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dr. Taji now offers Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for patients in the Glendale, California area. This method is often used to treat borderline personality disorder and a variety of other mental health disorders including chronic suicidal behavior, impulse behavior, emotional dysregulation and interpersonal problems. If you are interested in how dialectical behavior therapy can help you, contact us today. What Is DBT? Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, may work well for you if you are likely to react more intensely to [...]

TV & Film Consulting and Manuscript Reviews

If you want expert feedback on how to portray mental health issues in your film or TV show, look no further than Dr. Taji Huang in Glendale, CA. As a renowned psychologist, she offers manuscript reviews and media consulting services to help ensure that your project is as accurate and realistic as possible. If you want to schedule a consultation with psychology media consultant Dr. Taji for this type of work, please contact her directly by email or phone. Media [...]

Anxiety Therapist & Counselor

Anxiety affects millions of Americans every year. It does not discriminate when it comes to age, gender, or stage of life. Consult with Dr. Taji Huang, Ph.D., a licensed counselor and anxiety therapist. Glendale adults online and in-person throughout California can take advantage of these services. Every person is different, and Dr. Taji can help you get your life back by finding the kind of therapy that works for you.What Does Anxiety Look Like? Anxiety can cause apprehension, fear, nervousness, [...]

Anger Management Counseling

Dr. Taji Huang offers anger management counseling in Glendale, California. If you experience problems controlling your temper, it is possible that a therapist can help. Dr. Taji Huang is a licensed psychologist who provides counseling for patients who have trouble overcoming anger issues. Let her start helping you today. Anger Management Counseling In Glendale Those of us who experience chronic anger can also become depressed and experience physical problems such as "stress" headaches and high blood pressure. Over time, this can also [...]

Grief Counseling

Dr. Taji Huang provides grief counseling for individuals, families, and couples in the Glendale, CA area. There are many reasons that someone might be grieving, and a therapist can help you cope with the changes that may come in this difficult time. Psychotherapy can help you understand what is going on in your life and how to move forward. The Importance Of Grief Counseling Finding the right counselor is important and can make all the difference in the healing process. Dr. [...]

Prolonged Exposure Therapy

If you or a loved one suffers from any phobias or anxiety disorders and have been searching for a behavioral specialist, Dr. Taji Huang, PhD in Glendale, CA can help with prolonged exposure therapy (PET). Exposure therapy is a highly effective psychological treatment for a range of social and behavioral mental disorders.Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Social Anxiety General Phobias Panic Disorder Depression Unhealthy Anger Emotional NumbingTake Control Over Your Nervousness In Stressful Situations As we [...]

Couples Counseling

Dr. Taji Huang, Ph.D. offers couples counseling in Glendale, CA to support your relationship or marriage through various challenges. Whether you're navigating through a difficult time or seeking to strengthen an already solid relationship, couples counseling can provide the tools and understanding crucial for a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.Located conveniently in Glendale, CA, Dr. Taji Huang utilizes her expertise as a licensed psychologist to help couples reconnect, resolve conflicts, and rebuild trust. Understanding The Importance Of Couples Counseling Relationships require effort, [...]

Divorce Counseling

If you're seeking divorce counseling services, Dr. Taji Huang PhD in Glendale, California can help you get through one of the most difficult situations a person can face. As an adult psychologist and life coach, Dr. Taji can guide you through the complex emotions that accompany this life-changing and extremely stressful event. Effective counseling techniques can assist you in the transition to a happier new life.Achieve An Amicable Split In some cases, you may still be uncertain as to whether [...]

Infertility & Family Planning Counselor

Dr. Taji Huang, Ph.D. is an experienced and caring infertility and family planning counselor in Glendale, CA. Whether struggling with infertility, or in the midst of making family planning decisions, she can help you navigate the emotional turmoil and difficulties that can arise. There are many ways that therapy can help in this process. Big Decisions, High Stakes Making family planning and infertility treatment decisions can lead you on a journey full of life-changing decisions, and often, high stakes. A licensed [...]

Sexual Trauma & Sexual Dysfunction

If you suffer from sexual trauma or sexual dysfunction, Dr. Taji Huang, practicing in the Glendale area, is here to provide the supportive therapy you need to help you deal with the aftermath. Let her open the door leading you from “victim” to “survivor”. With her expert care and advice, you can experience a full, healthy, and loving sex life. Sexual Trauma Counseling Sexual trauma such as rape or abuse can dramatically impact your emotional and physical health and well-being and [...]

Victims Of Crime & Assault

If you are a victim or witnesses of an assault or any other crime, Dr. Taji Huang is a Licensed Psychologist and therapist in Glendale, CA who can help restore your peace of mind. Finding the right counseling service is essential to your recovery process. Seeking therapy can help relieve stress and reduce suffering after these life-changing traumatic events. Crime & Its Victims Criminal acts occur around us every day. Some common types of crimes include:Domestic Violence Child Abuse Sexual [...]

Domestic Violence

Dr. Taji Huang PhD provides domestic violence counseling in Glendale, California. Therapy can help alleviate the trauma and devastating effects of domestic violence in the lives of the victims and their families. Dr. Taji is an experience and compassionate domestic violence counselor who can provide an array of services to help survivors. What Is Considered Domestic Violence? Domestic violence is also known as DV and may include several kinds of abuse or battering, dating abuse, family violence, spousal abuse, and intimate [...]

Therapy For Sexual Abuse & Rape

Being a surviving victim of sexual abuse and domestic violence can become a debilitating traumatic experience that when left untreated can lead to overwhelming PTSD, anxiety, depression, lower self-esteem, and other social anxiety disorders to further complicate an already stressful situation.If you live near Glendale, California, then luckily you have access to one of the best sexual assault psychologists, Dr. Taji Huang Ph.D.Specializing in severe mental disorders and trauma-related issues, the services and therapies offered are numerous and can [...]

Self-Harming Therapy

If you or someone you know is in need of self-harming therapy, call Glendale psychologist Dr. Taji Huang. If you have ever inflicted injury on yourself by burning, cutting, or other types of self-injury, this may be a sign of severe inner turmoil where you may be suppressing emotions or suffering from intense anxiety. This can feel like the only way for you to express pain or other intense emotions. This condition may continue for years if it is [...]

Suicide Prevention Therapy

Dr. Taji specializes in helping patients with suicide prevention therapy in the Glendale, California area. You are not alone, she has helped many patients with similar thoughts of suicide. If you or someone you love has been struggling with thoughts of doing harm to themselves, contact Dr. Taji for a suicide therapy consultation today.What Are Suicidal Thoughts? Suicidal thoughts (or suicidal ideation) means thinking about how to commit suicide. These thoughts can range from passing thoughts to detailed plans about [...]

Life Coach

Discover your true passion and experience joy and well-being both personally and professionally with the expert guidance of Dr. Taji Huang PhD, professional life coach and psychologist serving the Glendale, California area. If you are feeling that you are in a rut and that life seems to be passing you by, Dr. Taji can assist you in identifying and maximizing your life’s purpose.Working one-on-one with a skilled life coach can greatly improve your outlook in many areas.Find Your [...]

What Is A Psychologist?

Sometimes there is confusion about what a psychologist is and what kind of conditions we treat. Dr. Taji Huang PhD can help clear up those questions and provide support for better mental health in Glendale, CA. Find out the roles a psychologist plays and the conditions we typically treat. Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist Psychologists attend school for approximately 8-10 years to earn a Ph.D. Therapy with a psychologist primarily involves talk therapy and behavior modification. They may employ several different treatment modalities, [...]