Adult Reactive Attachment Disorder

Sad Lonely Girl

Dr. Taji Huang, PhD is here to help you or someone you love with reactive attachment disorder treatment for adults in Glendale, California. Though this disorder usually begins development in babies and toddlers, it has damaging consequences that last into adulthood. If left untreated, it can severely interfere with your ability to enjoy life and relationships with others. With time, support, and a counselor’s expert guidance, it can be treated at any age.

What Is Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)?

RAD is when a young child doesn’t bond with his or her parents or other caring adults. Severe neglect prevents you from learning how to trust others, so you withdraw and isolates yourself. By not establishing this first bond, it may be more difficult for you to form and maintain future relationships, both romantic and social. This difficulty can hinder healthy growth in other areas of life, putting you at risk for additional mental problems like depression, anxiety, and dissociative and personality disorders.

Attachment Disorder Symptoms In Adults

While the symptoms of reactive attachment disorder in both children and adults can follow the same pattern, adults express them differently. During your consultation, Dr. Huang will thoroughly assess how this disorder affects your life and the best treatment options for you. Psychologists usually look for these signs when treating adults who may have RAD:

  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Feeling Lonely & Empty
  • Lacking A Sense Of Belonging
  • Difficulty Trusting Others
  • Craving Love But Resistant To It
  • Trouble Showing Sympathy, Compassion, Empathy & Remorse
  • Chronic Stress
  • Control Issues
  • Manipulative Behavior
  • Impulsiveness
  • Anger Problems

Personalized Treatment Options

Therapists use many approaches to treat RAD. The best approach for you will depend on your symptoms, lifestyle, and desired outcomes. Some of the most common treatment options for this disorder are as follows:

  • Talk therapy to reveal trapped thoughts and emotions.
  • Role-play to work through issues words can’t express.
  • Developing better social skills.

A helper (spouse, family member, or friend) may be encouraged to attend some of your sessions as well. It takes two to form a relationship, and someone you live with or see regularly provides the best foundation to start your recovery. This helper will also learn how to provide support between sessions. You’re not alone in this.

Start Opening Up Today

Reactive attachment disorder doesn’t condemn you to a hopeless, lonely life. Take the first step toward a brighter future by getting help. Contact Dr. Taji Huang, PhD in Glendale today to learn more and schedule your free consultation.

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