Coronavirus Anxiety – 5 Ways To Cope

Coronavirus Anxiety - 5 Ways To Cope

This pandemic has been stressful and challenging for everyone. If you have an anxiety disorder, a fear of germs, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, these feelings can be especially difficult. We’ve put together 5 tips to help you cope with Coronavirus anxiety.

1. Focus On What You Can Control
2. Stay Connected With Others
3. Limit Your Media Consumption
4. Find Emotional Outlets
5. Create A Routine

1. Focus On What You Can Control

If you are wearing a mask, washing and sanitizing your hands frequently, standing 6 feet apart, avoiding crowds and non-essential gatherings, and trying not to touch your face, you’re probably taking all of the precautions you can.

Next time you start to feel anxious, you can ask yourself whether or not it is over something you can control. If it is, then focus on finding a solution to the problem. If, however, your thoughts start spiraling over something beyond your control, try to ground yourself with your senses. Go for a walk or run, meditate, or do something else to get your mind off the topic.

2. Stay Connected With Others

As humans, we are hardwired to connect with each other. Too much isolation can lead to anxiety and depression. Spending time with others even over a video conferencing call can be good for your mental health.

3. Limit Your Media Consumption

While it’s good to stay informed, excessively or obsessively checking the news and social media can make you more anxious. The news typically only highlights negative events. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with negative emotions, and it becomes harder to notice the positive things happening in your life.

If possible, try to limit yourself to 5-15 minutes of social media and news consumption a day.

4. Find Emotional Outlets

Exercising, keeping a mood journal, creating art, listening to music, and spending time in nature are all great ways to release anxiety and other negative emotions. Meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness practices can also be helpful for stress relief.

Next time you’re feeling anxious or worried, try to pause for a few minutes. Breathe deeply, notice how you feel, and gently release your thoughts and feelings without judging them.

5. Create A Routine

The loss of structure that many of us are experiencing due to being away from the workplace or school can make our anxieties worse. Creating and sticking to a daily routine—even a simple one—can bring some stability and certainty even when the outside world feels so uncertain and scary.

Coronavirus Anxiety & When To Get Help

Are you feeling a little worried or is it anxiety? If your feelings are stopping or disrupting your life, you may benefit from outside help. Know the signs of an anxiety disorder and make sure you reach out for professional counseling if things are getting out of hand.

Symptoms Of Coronavirus Anxiety

  • Thought Spirals
  • Uncontrollable Obsessions
  • Feeling Strong Urges To Perform Rituals & Compulsions
  • Frequently Checking Your Body For COVID-19 Symptoms
  • Constantly Visiting Medical Information Websites
  • Spending Many Hours Reading The News
  • Feelings Of Nervousness, Fear, Dread, & Panic
  • Restlessness & Irritability
  • Nausea & Digestive Issues
  • Muscle Tension
  • Shortness Of Breath
  • Hand & Foot Numbness
  • Insomnia & Other Sleep Problems

Signs You May Benefit From Professional Help

  • You Can’t Focus On Anything Else
  • You Have Panic Attacks
  • You Can’t Complete Daily Tasks & Responsibilities
  • You’re Washing Your Hands So Often That They Bleed
  • You Struggle To Fall Asleep Or Wake Up Frequently
  • You Feel Helpless Or Hopeless

Get Help For Anxiety In Glendale

If you’re having a hard time coping with anxiety related to COVID-19, Dr. Taji Huang can help you in Glendale, CA. Call today to schedule an appointment. You have enough to deal with right now. Get the help and relief you deserve.

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